God's Girl

My photo
I am a living picture of the scandalous Grace of GOD. My prayer is to live as a vessel that shines the light of the Living GOD. This blog is a place to put my thoughts, a journal of my thirtys if you will. I am 32, single, no kids. And this is my life...for now.

Salvation Prayer

If you want to make Jesus your Lord & Savior,, all you have to do is pray: "Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God, You were resurrected from the grave by our Heavenly Father. Thank you for dying on the cross to save me. I repent of my sins and ask Your forgiveness. Please give me the gift of eternal life. I ask you to be my Lord and Savior. I want to serve you always." Amen.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Random Friday

A few random thoughts this friday, that I thought I'd share:

  • Women of Faith Conference tonight in Anaheim; really excited to go. I have never been and would have not been able to attend had a woman not given me four (4) free tickets - YES 4 FREE tickets - Bless you Janet! And Thank You God - pictures to follow.
  • I start Boot Camp the next morning; yes Boot Camp! I am officially going to start working out, something I HATE to do. But health is a factor, I have put on an extra 30 lbs, and not because I am having a child anytime soon.
  • I switched banks this week. It feels like I am starting school, needing all different papers and such.
  • I start Women's Bible Study in two weeks; Esther (thx Siesta Mama). It will be the first year I am a group leader.
  • I am contemplating highlights
  • I have discovered a new found love for GH (General Hospital). Although this came as a shock to me, I think it pleases my mom ever so much. (She is a 30 year watcher).

What are your random thoughts?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

God Bless Brothers

Brothers are a special gift! I have a brother who is older than me by 20 years, but I can't tell you the mystery it is to think of my mom (who was single with both of us) to have a unique relationship with him. He is always a picture of someone I find facinating and I would be lying if I didn't want to be like him every now and agian.

I was blown away the other day watching my nephew(12) with his little sister (10). You see, my niece is a singer - she LOVES to sing and has a great voice as well as a wonderful stage presence. It also helps that she has no fear and just goes for it, but I'm getting off course.

At every chance, she will sing a few songs for whomever will listen; this off course drives my nephew banana's. "If I hear one more Taylor Swift song..." he will threaten, and who can blame him.

But I noticed the other night, when she was singing for him, myself and their grandmother and she blanked on the words - who knew the next line? He did. Who sat quiet the other night at a BBQ and let her sing? He did? He supports her by his gentle way and lets her be who she is. How she will benefit as a woman from that support.

So I want to hear it for the brothers that are supportive in both words and actions. Now I am not saying they are still not going to call each other names and tell on each other. But let's encourage our youth - and if you see them naturally possessing a spirit of giving and love towards their sibling, embrace it and encourage it. They as men and women will benefit from it.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A healthy fear

The other night, I was invited to a bonfire at the beach near where I live. It was a birthday party for a friends' daughter - she was turning 13! Right at the end of the night, all the kids grouped together on the sand talking and, well, let's be honest texting! Can you believe it - I don't even own a cell phone, but anyway.
We had one lantern and the glowing embers of a fire that had burned for most of the evening as our light. The rest of my surrounding were dark. The moon seemed to light enough to show the outline of the waves rolling in. It was then that I felt it, the presence of God.
But this time the presence was that of His largeness, His strength, His power. In that moment of seeing the undisturbed ocean of dark against the darker sky, I felt small and I'll be honest a little freaked out. Like "Perfect Storm" freaked out!
The very vastness of natural creation and His workmanship was before me but it was a feeling of it being untamed, that was a little scary.

The power of God is untamed, and very real. We always like to focus on the love of the LORD - which is just as immeasurable, you see, He is balanced.
Untamed, unashamed LOVE/ Untamed, uncomprehensible POWER

I heard a Pastor say once, "The wheels of God's judgement turn slowly, but they grind thouroughly," (Jon Courson)

What a thought! I somehow like that statement even though it scares me. I felt that feeling that night - that God is Love, but God is powerful, God is just.

It makes the gift of Grace even more stunning.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Beth Moore Simulcast

OK, I realize this is shameless and frankly if anyone reads this, they probably live in Texas and can't do anything about it - but here goes...

We are hosting the Beth Moore Simulcast at my church

Capo Beach Calvary

August 28th-29th 2009

Tickets are only 25.00 *and that includes everything., yummy snacks, beverages, childcare.
*Tickets go up to 35.00 after July 17th, 2009

If anyone reading this is located in the south Orange County area of California, please don't miss out on this event. This will be a wonderful time of fellowship, worship and in-depth Bible study. If you have any questions, please email me (on my profile page).

There's nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus, Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another- showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 The Message

God bless you Ladies, and I hope you can make it!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Last second grace

I drive the freeway every morning and every evening - what fun! Actually it is more stressful and weird than I ever imagined. And given the fact that you have a bunch of people going 65, er, 75mph (who are we kidding) trying desperately to get to their destinations first, it makes for a circus of ego's and brakes.

Here is Orange County, CA, we take our driving seriously - no cut ins, no merging; if you could not figure out that you were meant to be in the right lane way back when we did (I'm not going to let you pull in front of me back there either) you sure are not going to cut in front now! It's a wonder we have a nervous system left at all.

This morning while driving I came up to my exit and noticed that someone cut right in front of me. AGHHH! I made my annoyance known to them by inching up, yes I realize this is a non-christian thing to do, you'd be wise to imagine my horror when I know I have sped past someone angrily and know that the last thing they are going to see on my car is not only my fish but my dove as well!


So me and this "bad" driver were just about the place the exit separates from the freeway and this car zooms in front of them. They, I am sure were bitter and mad (maybe it's just me) but for some reason, the ultimate GPS; God. Plain. and. Simple, spoke to my heart and said, life is like a highway, wait, no that's Rascall Flatts.

No, seriously, we are all going towards heaven and some of us cruise, and some speed, and for some, right when we take the Eternity Heaven off ramp, choose to refuse those who realize at the last minute, that is their exit. In essence His question was clear and gentle, "Do you want to be the girl who keeps them from getting in your lane simply because they hadn't figured it out until then?"


I want to be someone that is able to slow down enough (safely - if actually on road, metaphors and driving don't always go together) to make sure that anyone and everyone who in that last second wants to go, gets to go.

LORD KNOWS, there will be no other way for me to become this person without Him, but my sincere prayer is that my need for salvation for others becomes more important than my need for speed.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cast down your crown

Well, well, well; beauty pageants can be fun. A wonderful tradition of poise and glamour, we revel in the whole, well, for lack of a better word, pagentry of it all. Women, who are beautiful and beautifully coifed floating around the stage in glitzy, stunning gowns hoping that all of their hard work and MONEY (gulp!) will be worth it and they can all of a sudden hear the runner-up's name called and tear up, startled, as they get to put that beautifully designed crown atop their head.

Oh to be a beauty queen!

This must have been Carrie Prejean's dream - Miss California, who had everything going for her (including the feathered dress, love it!) But alas, her destiny came down to a loaded question by a biased judge who had no intention of judging fairly. And she lost. But wait, did she really lose?

“By having to answer that question in front of a national audience, God was testing my character and faith. I’m glad I stayed true to myself,” Fox News quoted her as saying.http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/entertainment/miss-usa-runner-up-god-was-testing-my-faith-with-gay-marriage-question_100182636.html

Well I applaud you Carrie; it is refreshing to have someone who regardless if I agree with (I just happen to) HAS the character to stand up and give a "big girl" answer. At the end of the day, she knows where she stands and who she stands for.

Matthew 25:23 (New International Version)
23"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

They lay their crowns before the throne and say: 11"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." Revelation 4: 10b-11.
When we lay our crowns down, literally for the sake of the truth of our king, there is no losing in His sight. And no losing in ours. Sure she would have loved to have done the job of Miss USA and in my opinion sending a candidate to the Miss Universe pageant that speaks her mind with class and dignity in lieu of opting out of making a stand on any issue, would be refreshing. Not to mention the fact that she spoke with such care and kindness. Class and dignity are hard to come by these days, she possessed both. Shame on those who pass up kindness in search of "open mindedness," when it dosen't line up with their agenda.

But don't fret, Miss California, even though you will cast your crown before the LORD because of His brillance and beauty beyond compare, and gladly so, I am pretty sure He will give you a beautiful crown to adorn your head.
To watch the full interview, see below.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Burning vs. warming

Who's been burned? And who has felt the warmth of God's love and just the hint of light from the firework's show He can produce when things go right?

I want the the fireworks...and the warmth! I'm done with getting burned.
I am a die-hard "Dancing with the stars" watcher, I can't help it. I have danced in my earlier years and along with the choreography and the songs, not to mention the costumes, I love it!!!
The other night, Shawn Johnson performed a rumba with Mark Ballas, that, well was wonderfully romantic and beautiful. And left something to the imagination, gasp!
Judge Len Goodman appropriately spoke up saying, "The rumba is a bit like a fire, it can warm and it can burn, and for me sometimes the rumba's are too hot, but I think you got this just right."http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uuqe0pGFnXM

Carrie-Ann, however harped on the idea that she was uncomfortable because she was young and thus she didn't dance it well because she lacked that romance. Shame on you Carrie-Ann! Romance is a story, and it never looks the same. It can differ in so many ways, and I for one am with Len, I appreciated the fact that it was romantic and not sex in heels and sequins.
It is amazing how some view romance as sex, and some view romance as relationship. I am one that embraces the latter. Romance is such a beautiful story that reaches beyond the intimacy, it reaches into so many aspects of our lives. Friendship, companionship, respect, loyalty, peace, trust. Those are feelings I want in my life.

I truly was blessed by someone speaking up for the subtly of romance; think of how wonderful t.v could be if we left so many things unseen and to the imagination. How many times must we be burned by the world before we realize we want the warmth that comes from the true definition of the word love - God! He is the only one, with holy fire that can warm us, yet burn away the bad and ignite us without consuming us. Hallelujah!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Grown up girl

Well tomorrow I turn 30 - and I thought I would jot down some things I have learned over the years, and know-that-I-know:

1. God is real and sees me

2. Jesus was flesh, God in the flesh

3. Pumpkin pie for breakfast is NEVER BAD!

4. BBQ is the best meal I have ever had

5. Dogs are angels

6. Family is crucial

7. Love is harder than I thought, but oh how worth it.

8. People are almost never "worrying or spending time wrapped up in me"

9. The mountains own a piece of my soul

10. My mom is human, and I love her anyway.

11. Work is work for a reason; it is meant to stretch us

12. Friendships take time, and patience

13. Knowledge is power, power is not always knowledge.

14. The bible is not just a book

15. Dreams are attainable, but prayer must come first.

16. Laughter is the best medicine

17. I am my Heavenly fathers child, and boy, does He love His Girl!

18. I will make it; I have the LORD with me.

19. Worrying wastes time and energy, why waste something I'm low on anyway.

20. Life is meant to be lived, and what better way to live, than to give.

My prayer is that for this time on I will work on some new hurdles:

1. To trust God with my heart and let Him direct my path of relations.

2. To be a good steward of my time, money, energy.

3. To be bold in the places where the threat of insecurities pop up.
Here's to the next 30! And even more, in Jesus name!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

California Dreamin'

California ! What images come to mind when you hear that word? Sun, beach, surfing, palm trees, warm breezes, sunsets, tans? Most consider California to be a postcard, literally, of paradise. Well I have been a resident of California for half of my life now ( I was born and raised in Southern Oregon and we moved to Southern California when I was 15 - and I will be 30 in April.) And I have found something ironic about the paradise we encounter everday.

We hardly ever see it!

Our days begin with waking up early (too early) and making our way to the freeway, fighting other cars full of anxiety and starbucks to get in the lane that will get us to where we have to be sooner. We work all day, maybe not, probably not doing what we really wish we could do and find ourselves yet again on the same freeway going home hoping to catch the magnificent painting of God across the sun-setting sky. Don't get me wrong, when I catch the sight of the full white clouds against the blue sky above me or the full moon lighting my otherwise darkened kitchen before bed, I am joyful and peaceful inside. But what struck me was in all this working to live where it is this beautiful, we rarely get to enjoy the beauty.

Don't get me wrong, people work all over this world, and work hard, probably harder than we do sometimes, I just find it ironic that we work to afford the life to live here and why is that, because somebody put a cost on the beauty and said you had to make this much every month and pay this much for rent. And don't even get me started on mortgages...Who can afford paradise?

I personally want to not forfeit my peace for the price of paradise.

It takes so much time to labor here, we labor to live around things we may not see everday. Oh how I pray God will help me enjoy the beauty of my surroundings.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Worth revisiting...

Jeremiah 29:11
I find this a little odd, posting something like this on a blog called "Choosing to Walk," but actually, in the context that I formatted this blog, it is perfect.With God, I am choosing to walk with, and through everything!Please watch this incredible video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtweZxNGk1Y

It will be one of the most important 8 minutes you will ever spend.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

To my Siesta's


A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.
When I say... I am a Christian I'm not shouting I'm clean livin¢. I'm whispering I was lost, now I'm found and been forgiven.
When I say... I am a Christian I don't speak of this with pride. I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... I am a Christian I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I am weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say... I am a Christian I'm not bragging of success. I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.
When I say... I am a Christian I'm not claiming to be perfect. My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I¢m worth it.
When I say... I am a Christian I still feel the sting of pain... I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.
When I say... I am a Christian I'm not holier than thou. I'm just a simple sinner who received God's good grace, somehow!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Closed fist, open hand...

Well, I loved the Oscars last night! Not to mention Hugh Jackman (love those Aussie's).
The glamour, the talent and the show - WHAT A SHOW!!!! But I have to say my most memorable moment was the speech for the winner for Original Screenplay: Dustin Lance Black for MILK.
Here is why:

"I wanna thank my mom, who has always loved me for who I am even when there was pressure not to. But most of all, if Harvey had not been taken from us 30 years ago, I think he'd want me to say to all of the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight who have been told that they are less than by their churches, by the government or by their families, that you are beautiful, wonderful creatures of value and that no matter what anyone tells you, God does love you and that very soon, I promise you, you will have equal rights federally, across this great nation of ours."http://www.insidesocal.com/outinhollywood/2009/02/dustin-lance-blacks-acceptance.html

Notice, he separated the behavior of the church from God Himself. How refreshing? Why, because very often the "church" does not show the actions and love Jesus spoke of. Very often the "church" is self-righteous, arrogant and hateful (I know because I am part of the church, and my heart has gone to these places at different times, I am not exempt.)
But to have this young, talented man stand there and say, God does love you; made me so happy, because it is true.

Now will I vote differently, for same-sex marriage - no. Why? Because I was saved by my savior Jesus and Jesus was sent by His father, the Almighty God who was as well on that cross. And my Heavenly Father says that Gay and Lesbian activity is a sin. But He doesn't hate His children, He hates SIN!
"Sin isn't bad because it is forbidden, it is forbidden because it's bad." I heard Jon Courson speak one day and it makes sense. God is not hating us and keeping things from us, He is protecting us because His love for us is deeper than any definition of love we could come up with.
My Father in Heaven loves me and you, and if He loves me enough to save me, no matter what, why would I stray from His commandments?
But my life is meant to be lived with a closed fist, open hand mentality. I cling tightly to the beliefs and truth of the LORD. The truth that set me free. But I love and treat all others as potential brothers and sisters in the faith.

Because I once was lost, but now I am found.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Who am I?

I was just thinking this morning, all while I felt down-trodden beyond belief, "Who am I?" Meaning, what do I like, love even? What are those things in life that make me smile and feel good, and why do they always seem a country mile away from me?
Anyway, I made a list and even though I realized this is something none of you need to read, somethings just need to be put in print, er, blog.

Things I love:

1. Jeans
2. Flowers (especially sunflowers, roses and lilacs)
3. Horses
4. Guitars
5. Trucks
6. Dogs
7. Books
8. Old Movies
9. Bamboo windchimes
10. Photographs
11. Potlucks
12. Playing good music, LOUD
13. Writing/receiving letters
14. Italian food
15. Mexican food
16. Green grass
17. Porches
18. American flags
19. River rocks
20. Warm, quiet summer days.

You know who made these my special loves in this order? My LORD! I trust Him so; I have never been in love so for me it is taking awhile to fall in love with Jesus as I hear others say it, but that's OK. God knows me and Jesus knows we are on this walk together. And He is Patient and He is Kind.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Leave the politics to Anderson Cooper...

I was thinking this morning about a conversation my mom and I had last night concerning politics. She was saying how dicussing issues so detailed and definitly made her nervous; she just like to trust. I, of course am the type of girl who likes to investigate as best I can and then have a definite opinion. But in light of her opinion, I've thought of some ways that she may have the right idea:

- More time to live the life God gave YOU to live.

- Less stress for you and those around you

- Knowing God is sovereign, and that NOTHING is a guess for Him. Everything is going the way He planned.

- More time and energy to be of use to your community.

- More time and energy to pray.

- A chance to reflect on your life and see if you are doing the very best you can.

So as far as I can see, I can still have an opinion and be informed, but obsessed? I think I'll leave that to CNN and Anderson Cooper.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A day to dream on

Achy bones and stuff,
headaches and tears keep seeping out,
I can't seem to get through this wall,
I give anything for a pink wrecking ball!

Oh, how did he do this?
That thief, who is now a ghost.
I see him, I hear his voice
and my insides wretch with brokeness.

I'd hug Leah, Hagar as well,
Any woman whoever felt unloved.
But the truth is even the loved
have their pain that is unknown.

So my days are like theme parks,
Up and away, falling down fast.
One day this will be hard to recall.
I dream of that day.
Written By: M.Summer 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

For my King Jesus

You are the only One,
That touches me completely through.
A spring of joy and confidence,
Wash over my tired bones.

I wonder how my steps detour
From the ones we’ve taken together.
But I see you there; standing
And we are walking together again.

How can the windows in this dwelling place
Open immediately with the warm whisper of your breath?
How does my heart leap at the healing,
It has received instantaneously?

When I realize the reality of your ways
And the truth of your words,
My mind can believe what my heart, soul and spirit already know,
You are the Son of God.

Written by: M. Summer

Monday, January 12, 2009

Jeremiah 29:11

I find this a little odd, posting something like this on a blog called "Choosing to Walk," but actually, in the context that I formatted this blog, it is perfect.

With God, I am choosing to walk with, and through everything!

Please watch this incredible video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtweZxNGk1Y

It will be one of the most important 8 minutes you will ever spend.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I dare you...

Well I am excited. I want to tell everyone that I now have another blog in addition to "choosing to walk" and it is called Daring Daughter!

Daring Daughter is going to be a blog for telling of the wonderful bravery and strength of the women of the bible (I do not believe it is an accident that God placed women where He did in the bible) and also the strength and bravery of women today.

I am really thrilled! I feel like this is just an incredible place to be excited about being a girl and love that God created you and me for a very special reason and what an adventure that can be all by itself.

I hope you will check it out - Here's to you, Daring Daughter!
