I was thinking this morning about a conversation my mom and I had last night concerning politics. She was saying how dicussing issues so detailed and definitly made her nervous; she just like to trust. I, of course am the type of girl who likes to investigate as best I can and then have a definite opinion. But in light of her opinion, I've thought of some ways that she may have the right idea:
- More time to live the life God gave YOU to live.
- Less stress for you and those around you
- Knowing God is sovereign, and that NOTHING is a guess for Him. Everything is going the way He planned.
- More time and energy to be of use to your community.
- More time and energy to pray.
- A chance to reflect on your life and see if you are doing the very best you can.
So as far as I can see, I can still have an opinion and be informed, but obsessed? I think I'll leave that to CNN and Anderson Cooper.
Hey, thanks so much for visiting my blog and I'm glad that my "woah, woah" by Chicago made you laugh :-)
I love what you just wrote!!! I totally agree!!! Since coming to a relationship of faith in my LORD by grace I have been reading everything I can get my hands on as far as church history, theology, different commentaries, etc.
BUT, most importantly I have been reading and studing HIS word and the most AWESOME realization is that HE is Sovereign and I can pray, but HE is in control of all power and authority and everything else in this world.
Doesn't that one thing just free you to a more glorious faith? Everything I used to be anxious about I can pray and ask in HIS will and then I know whatever HIS answer or whatever HIS time frame....HE is faithful and it will be ultimitely in this life or the next worked for HIS glory and my good!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Blessings and love from another Siesta,
Excellent point!
These are some great thoughts. :) Thanks for sharing. I am glad the verses of the day on my blog were helpful to you. Girl, I studied those verses for like 3 days, and even donloaded Beth's teaching on it. But I had never done an indepth study on a verse like that jut on my own. I was like "WHAT in the world?? I've known this one since i was a child". And then the next day it was like 'Ooooh that's why!!" LOL!
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