We had one lantern and the glowing embers of a fire that had burned for most of the evening as our light. The rest of my surrounding were dark. The moon seemed to light enough to show the outline of the waves rolling in. It was then that I felt it, the presence of God. 

But this time the presence was that of His largeness, His strength, His power. In that moment of seeing the undisturbed ocean of dark against the darker sky, I felt small and I'll be honest a little freaked out. Like "Perfect Storm" freaked out!
The very vastness of natural creation and His workmanship was before me but it was a feeling of it being untamed, that was a little scary.
The power of God is untamed, and very real. We always like to focus on the love of the LORD - which is just as immeasurable, you see, He is balanced.
Untamed, unashamed LOVE/ Untamed, uncomprehensible POWER

What a thought! I somehow like that statement even though it scares me. I felt that feeling that night - that God is Love, but God is powerful, God is just.
It makes the gift of Grace even more stunning.
beautiful post...
Hey, popped over here from Beth Moore's blog because I saw where you asked about the intro song and I just bought that cd! It's Christy Nockels "Life Light Up" and the song is the first track "No Not One." It's a great cd - I love all of them, but am particularly moved by the song "By Our Love." Hope this helps!
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