Palm Sunday is tomorrow, and it fell afresh on me last night, how Jesus might be feeling on this day of the week. Not yet riding into Jerusalem on a colt, He had probably just raised Lazarus from the dead and was attending the dinner in His honor. And when the woman poured expensive perfume on His feet and wiped it with her hair...how must the emotions of what it meant felt to the LORD?
Did He smile at her with a shade of heartache in His eyes? Did fear pulse through His veins? We're you on His mind? Was I? It thrills me and causes me to be still to imagine that warm evening in Bethany, where my LORD reclined, receiving the fragrant offering of sacrifice, that ultimately pointed to His Sacrificing His life for us!
Let us soak in the very presence of GOD this week and take in everything Jesus did for us.
13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13
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