1. God is real and sees me
2. Jesus was flesh, God in the flesh
3. Pumpkin pie for breakfast is NEVER BAD!
4. BBQ is the best meal I have ever had
5. Dogs are angels
6. Family is crucial
7. Love is harder than I thought, but oh how worth it.
8. People are almost never "worrying or spending time wrapped up in me"
9. The mountains own a piece of my soul
10. My mom is human, and I love her anyway.
11. Work is work for a reason; it is meant to stretch us
12. Friendships take time, and patience
13. Knowledge is power, power is not always knowledge.
14. The bible is not just a book
15. Dreams are attainable, but prayer must come first.
16. Laughter is the best medicine
17. I am my Heavenly fathers child, and boy, does He love His Girl!
18. I will make it; I have the LORD with me.
19. Worrying wastes time and energy, why waste something I'm low on anyway.
20. Life is meant to be lived, and what better way to live, than to give.
My prayer is that for this time on I will work on some new hurdles:
1. To trust God with my heart and let Him direct my path of relations.
2. To be a good steward of my time, money, energy.
3. To be bold in the places where the threat of insecurities pop up.
Here's to the next 30! And even more, in Jesus name!
Happy belated Birthday! Great things you share in this post! Blessings!
Happy belated b-day.
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