I was thinking this morning about a conversation my mom and I had last night concerning politics. She was saying how dicussing issues so detailed and definitly made her nervous; she just like to trust. I, of course am the type of girl who likes to investigate as best I can and then have a definite opinion. But in light of her opinion, I've thought of some ways that she may have the right idea:
- More time to live the life God gave YOU to live.
- Less stress for you and those around you
- Knowing God is sovereign, and that NOTHING is a guess for Him. Everything is going the way He planned.
- More time and energy to be of use to your community.
- More time and energy to pray.
- A chance to reflect on your life and see if you are doing the very best you can.
So as far as I can see, I can still have an opinion and be informed, but obsessed? I think I'll leave that to CNN and Anderson Cooper.