Here is Orange County, CA, we take our driving seriously - no cut ins, no merging; if you could not figure out that you were meant to be in the right lane way back when we did (I'm not going to let you pull in front of me back there either) you sure are not going to cut in front now! It's a wonder we have a nervous system left at all.
This morning while driving I came up to my exit and noticed that someone cut right in front of me. AGHHH! I made my annoyance known to them by inching up, yes I realize this is a non-christian thing to do, you'd be wise to imagine my horror when I know I have sped past someone angrily and know that the last thing they are going to see on my car is not only my fish but my dove as well!
So me and this "bad" driver were just about the place the exit separates from the freeway and this car zooms in front of them. They, I am sure were bitter and mad (maybe it's just me) but for some reason, the ultimate GPS; God. Plain. and. Simple, spoke to my heart and said, life is like a highway, wait, no that's Rascall Flatts.
No, seriously, we are all going towards heaven and some of us cruise, and some speed, and for some, right when we take the Eternity Heaven off ramp, choose to refuse those who realize at the last minute, that is their exit. In essence His question was clear and gentle, "Do you want to be the girl who keeps them from getting in your lane simply because they hadn't figured it out until then?"
I want to be someone that is able to slow down enough (safely - if actually on road, metaphors and driving don't always go together) to make sure that anyone and everyone who in that last second wants to go, gets to go.
LORD KNOWS, there will be no other way for me to become this person without Him, but my sincere prayer is that my need for salvation for others becomes more important than my need for speed.