God's Girl

My photo
I am a living picture of the scandalous Grace of GOD. My prayer is to live as a vessel that shines the light of the Living GOD. This blog is a place to put my thoughts, a journal of my thirtys if you will. I am 32, single, no kids. And this is my life...for now.

Salvation Prayer

If you want to make Jesus your Lord & Savior,, all you have to do is pray: "Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God, You were resurrected from the grave by our Heavenly Father. Thank you for dying on the cross to save me. I repent of my sins and ask Your forgiveness. Please give me the gift of eternal life. I ask you to be my Lord and Savior. I want to serve you always." Amen.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Can we talk?

I have been considering lately what to write about in my next post. But in my truest attempt to be a good work steward, I realize I have no time at work to blog (Bummer). But actually, just like with anything that GOD does, he uses this time for another revelation.

Every time I had an idea I had to blog on and expand on, I noticed that my inability to post it right away lead me to finding my mind change with ideas and new thoughts. You see, we all have the opportunity to dialogue with GOD all day if we want to. It is not just a one moment message we have to focus on and can’t move forward from until we get it right. New things pop up all the time. Further more I find the different ideas GOD reveals to me seem to fit together in the stronger lesson being learned.

How lucky we are as followers of Christ to talk with the creator. We have these moments as believers to feel for a moment I believe, the reality of Christ when he was on earth. We are a new life alive in Christ and so the holy spirit within us along with the reconciliation of Christ dying for us on the cross instead of us facing our own sins (see Jon Courson Searchlight – “The Great Switcheroo”) we now can dialogue with the father, perhaps the way that Adam and Eve did before the fall and the way Christ did when he was on this earth. What an amazing thought, we can have a perfect connection with GOD. Asking questions and relaying wonderment. You see, with the LORD, he already knows all of your days; Psalm 139: 16 says,

your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.

But, and here is the beauty, even though he knows the outcome,


23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
(Psalm 139:23)

God knows ALL things, beyond what we even could know could be known. The concept is gorgeous. But in all that the lord knows, he wants to experience the newness and the adventure with us. He wants to see our excitement and catch our tears. He wants to walk the path with us. The Word of God (Bible) is the inspired (God- breathed) written voice of GOD. Thy word is a lamp onto my feet and a light unto my path, Psalm 119:105 says. He tells us, he lights our path, but his steps want to walk the path he lights, just to be with us. Just to be with you, just to be with me.

That’s Love.

So my hope is that in this specific time on the Kingdom Calendar, where the focus can tend to be on what can I learn and how fast can I teach it to someone else, we might just stop and love the fact that we are conversing with the creator of time and space.

It gives a whole new meaning to, “Can you hear me now?”

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

OK, yes I am obsessed...

Two words. Michael Phelps. Unbelievable success for this 23 year old at the Olympics this year in Beijing (not to mention, he's a cute as a button). What has me in awe is how God's creation in Michael had such a determined purpose.
Michael is 6'4"; he has a arm span of 6'7"(this trivia staggered my nine year old niece, "wait, what do you mean?!). But this is the part that gets me, his legs are that of a 6' man, but his torso is that of a 6'8" man. Both knees and ankles ard double jointed as well as his toes (this is why he can wrap them around the starter platform) I mean, come on that is detailed design. My point is this, besides the fact that I like talking about him, is that his natural design had a distinct purpose.

Folks, God does NOT guess!

I remember watching a special DVD series done by our beloved Beth Moore, called Measureless Love. In this, she showed us that the planets, the stars, our bodies our designed by the LORD with incredible precision and thought. The measurement God took in creation and the measureless love he has for us. God designed us and the purpose we would have with what he gave us. He does not just "wing it."

Michael Phelps to me is a kingdom illustration as to how the father creates; BIG, powerful and purposeful.

I don't know about you, but I need to know I will be taken care of in a situation. That doesn't mean I need someone to do everything for me, but if I don't sense safety or thought in the process, most likely I don't participate. Knowing that my LORD not only knows me but delights in planning out the very wonderfulness he wants for me, makes me giddy. Makes me love him even more.

Fall in love with the adventure, love him like no other. He is the one and ONLY!

Psalm 139:13-16(New International Version)

13 For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.

15 My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dreaming again...

This is the first post of my brand new blog; I have to say I am so excited. I would not have known how or if it was even possible to have a blog if it weren't for my friendly siesta's out there pointing me in the right direction.

This also comes at a time of new beginnings for me. I am charting a new course with the LORD in which I know I am embracing my reality and looking forward to my dreams coming true.
Somewhere along the line, I let the enemy lead me to believe that those dreams were not for me and to settle. And when the LORD closed the doors to events I was settling for (he can shut doors no one can open, and open doors no one can shut), I just felt alone and sad.


"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 states and has been a verse very near to my heart, although now it has taking on a whole new meaning.
With this divine participation I am invited in to with the King, my life is in his hands and my dreams are ideas in waiting. And I get to be a part of it. My God and I.
And those situations that look pretty but are just traps in waiting, he will cut away all the while providing me with what I truly need.


I love this forum and I am excited to see what will be in the future.
Don't worry, I'll keep you posted.

As for now, WELCOME!